Karin came to yoga in 1997 after a serious back injury left her in continuous pain for a number of years. The relief she found practicing Tai Chi and Qigong led her to embark upon an extensive training programme that convinced her of the transformative mind-body healing benefits of traditional Eastern practices and therapeutic yoga.
She studied intensively with a number of Eastern and Western yoga teachers ever since, notably Godfrey Devereux of the Windfire Yoga Teacher Training Centre and former director of the Life Centre in London. Since 2003 Karin shares her passion for yoga by teaching others.
Karin also studied traditional Thai Yoga Bodywork in 2005-2007 with Kira Balaskas, one of the foremost Western teachers of this ancient healing art. Since 2008 Karin holds an advanced level diploma in traditional Thai Yoga Bodywork.
Besides being gifted in working with the energy body, Karin also has a passionate interest in Eastern philosophy and psychology, and complementary therapies of natural origin.
She studied yoga anatomy and physiology in the tradition of T.K.V. Desikachar with Leslie Kaminoff, the internationally recognized specialist in this field. Having successfully completed Leslie’s yoga anatomy course in July 2011, she presently continues her studies to reinforce her knowledge in yoga anatomy, physiology, and philosophy as well as in the art of teaching.
Yoga is a method to explore the depth of human nature and the mysteries of mind and body.
Be really curious about who you are and how you feel, and accept whoever or whatever that may be on a particular day without preconceptions, judgement or attempting to fix it.