What are the benefits of Dynamic Yoga?
The Dynamic Yoga method provides an integrative yoga practice centered around balance. Benefits are quick, dramatic, and far-reaching:
The postures stretch, tone and strengthen the entire skeletal system, working not only the body’s frame but the internal organs, glands and nerves as well.
Concentration and attention in each posture encourage deep body awareness and relaxation.
Breathing exercises refresh and cleanse the body and help to calm the mind.
The union (yoga) of these techniques release physical and mental tension, cultivate increased mental awareness and clarity, and liberate vast reserves of energy. The results are improved vitality and flexibility, enhanced immune system response, increased muscle and bone strength, and capability for relaxation.
With gentle, persistent, and patient practice, Dynamic Yoga releases self-limiting habits in body and mind, assisting each practitioner to realize their potential and discover their true nature.
For more information about Dynamic Yoga and espritrelax classes, workshops and retreats contact Karin.